Site News

Raffle Results + SHUTING DOWN on April 13th

Posted 29 August 2024, 03:12:32 PDT by andie

The winners of the 2024 raffle have been rolled! Congrats Howee and Zevhara!! I will contact you shortly to let you chose your designs! And most important:

We are shuting down

Unfortunately I can't keep up with Fanteles and I can't help with maintaining it up. I have talked with Provie and I decided that fanteles is being shut down. What that means? Fanteles is no longer an ARPG, and will no longer be controlled as one. Your fanteles and subspecies are now just designs, and they no longer have restrictions! You're free to still use the lore I made for them.

The site will be up until April 13th

Make sure to save up whatever you want from the site until then! After this date the site will be deleted!! If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or ask in the discord!

Giveway and Events Extensions

Posted 23 February 2024, 10:22:18 PST by andie

Hello, everyone! To try to bring back some life in Fanteles, we are doing a raffle! And extending the past events, as no one participated on them! And getting two new dailies!

Thumbnail of FR-021 Thumbnail of FR-008 Thumbnail of F-091 Thumbnail of F-098 Thumbnail of FR-006

Everyone gets 1 Free Raffle ticket.

First Time Owners (FTOs) will get +2 raffle tickets.

Participating in any of the current events, you can get +1 raffle ticket, for a total of +10 raffle tickets.

Send a claim to claim tickets!

The following events will be extended until March 31st:

Zoic Research Event

Alien Visitation Event

There's two new dailies as well!

The Bank, where you can get a random number of fairy coins everyday.

The Lake, where you can get a random related item everyday.

To celebrate even more, all of the adopts in Multitudes Orphanage have been halfed in price!

Alien Species?? New Event!

Posted 1 January 2024, 00:00:02 PST by andie

BZRRR “One, two, three, testing!” BZRRR “Can you hear me?”



“I’m Superstar, captain of this ship. We are having ship troubles, is there anyone here to help us? We are doing an emergency landing at what your maps call [Bix Island]. If you can help us, please come here!”


Event rules
  1. Only registered members of Fanteles may participate in this event, and all members agree to follow our terms of service upon registration.
  2. Members don't need to own any of the group’s species, you may participate using by drawing one of our NPCs or another member's Alanamultiverse species (with permission!)
  3. All art/writing prompt submissions must be submitted to the Alien Visitation 2024 Gallery Folder and to the Alien Visitation Prompt
  4. For the prompts, the minimum for art is a colored bust and for writing the minimum is 300 words
      1. Collaborations are allowed, but reminder that each collaborator must submit to the prompt in order to receive their rewards.
event activities


A new species landed on Alana, they are called axydogs! This is a MYO Event, everyone will get a free axydog MYO! And for the chance to win axydog meteorites (axydog MYOs) and other special items, you may participate on our Alien Visitation prompt! To participate on the prompt, show off your character interacting with an axydog or show off your axydog interacting with an Alanian species! What will they do? Will they treat axydogs as friends or foes? Will they help to fix the ship? Let us know!

To read more about axydogs check out this wiki page.


Axydogs traits/rarities

New Event - Zoic Research

Posted 1 November 2023, 00:00:01 PDT by andie

“Ahem,” a pink capybara fainara says, trying to gather attention. “Hello, everyone, my name is Kyle. I’m a researcher, and I just got a lifetime opportunity to study meteorites, that is rocks that came from other planets. However, I can not do it all by myself, I would want to gather some scientists to come with me. Of course, only those who have a good reputation around here.”



“If you want to come with me, please come to my boat by tomorrow, I will be waiting. We leave for Zoic at noon.”


Oh my! Zoic Island is a very secure place and hardly anyone can even visit there, so as to not disturb the meteorites sites. That sure is a lifetime opportunity! Will your fantele or fainara miss this chance?


Event rules
  1. Only registered members of Fanteles may participate in this event, and all members agree to follow our terms of service upon registration.
  2. Members don't need to own a Fantele to participate, you may participate using Fainara characters, or by drawing one of our NPCs or another member's Fantele/Fainara (with permission!)
  3. All art/writing prompt submissions must be submitted to the Zoic Research 2023 Gallery Folder and to the Zoic Research Prompt
  4. For the prompts, the minimum for art is a colored bust and for writing the minimum is 500 words
    1. Collaborations are not allowed, due to the necessity of choosing routes!
  5. The Zoic Research Event will run until November 30th at Midnight site time
Event Activities

This event will function in a different way than usual, there will be routes you can follow. Every week there will be a new prompt to continue on your chosen route, to a total of 3 prompts per route. The former prompts will be open until the end of the event, on November 30th. You may choose to follow different routes, but you need to do the previous prompts of the routes you choose. That means, if you choose route A in week 1’s prompt and want to choose route B in the next week’s prompt, you will need to do the prompt of route B for week 1.


Each prompt completed will grant 10 event points, to be spent in the Zoic’s gift shop. The last prompts of each route will also have a special prize attached to them!


The routes are as follow:

Week 1

How will you enter Zoic Island, with its tight security?


Route A - You decide to enter in a legal way, by requesting a researcher badge from Kyle.

Requisite: 1 Reputation Point owned by the chosen character.


Route B - You decide to sneak in. You’re sure that with your sneaking skills, the security system will be nothing to you!

Requisite: None


Route C - You decide to bribe someone to let you in. You do have the cash, so why not?

Requisite: 30 fairy coins


Week 2

You got in! Now, what will you do there?


Route A - You try to find out what you can from the meteorites OR You decide to talk more to Kyle

Requisite: Week 1 Route A


Route B - The guards almost got you! Time to lay low, what will your character do to pass the time?

Requisite: Week 1 Route B


Route C - You were let in with a fake research badge. As long as no one looks too intently it’s similar to the real thing. You try to explore the other rooms, so as to not call much attention.

Requisite: Week 1 Route C


Week 3

There’s something weird going on here.


Route A - You discover something truly amazing: signs that a sapient species sent the meteorite. But you’re required to leave any proof of it on the island. What will your character do?

Requisite: Week 2 Route A


Route B - You overhear something truly strange: someone is talking about a sapient alien species. How will your character react to it? Will they let their guard down and be caught sneaking in?

Requisite: Week 2 Route B


Route C - Wow! You saw it: a picture of an alien species, somehow associated with the meteorites. Well, you kinda saw it, the room was dark and you were in a hurry. How did your character picture the aliens?

Requisite: Week 2 Route C



Posted 1 October 2023, 00:00:01 PDT by andie


Something is happening! The moons have vanished from the sky and a thick red fog prevents you from looking more than a few inches in front of you. That can only mean one thing: it’s Demonween, the day where the pocket dimension where demons may live (and demons and fanteles are the only ones who can access it) has its limits weakened and starts to mix with Alana.


Welcome to Demonween! Demonween is celebrated on October 31st, but the preparations and celebrations start with the October month.

Event Rules


  1. You must be a member of the fanteles site which means you automatically comply with the Fanteles Terms and Conditions
  2. You are not required to own an Alanamultiverse species to participate.
  3. Both admins and members may participate.
  4. Collabs are allowed;
  5. Entries must be at least one colored full body (at least 75% of the character showing) or 500 words long;
  6. Entries should be unique for this;
  7. Submit all entries to the site.
event activities

To learn more about the holiday, check out this lore page

To participate check out this prompt! This event will run from October 1st to October 31st


Happy holiday and good luck trick or treating!

Purple Moon Week

Posted 1 March 2023, 00:00:00 PST by andie

UPDATE: The bug preventing people to submit to prompts had been fixed, finally! To compensate, the prompts will be open until the start of next month! When we start a new plot! >:3c

You hear a lonely howl in the night, soon being followed by more and more howls. You look at the moons and notice: it’s a purple moon tonight.


Welcome to Purple Moon Week! This is a special occasion that happens once a year. The whole month of the Purple Moon Week is a month where loups de lune come to the Lunar Island to celebrate their heritage. Often accompanied by friends and family. Of course, even if you don’t know any loup de lune, you’re still welcome to participate! There’s many boats and dragons leaving from all over the world to Lunar Island.


Event Rules


  1. You must be a member of the fanteles site which means you automatically comply with the Fanteles Terms and Conditions
  2. You are not required to own an Alanamultiverse species to participate.
  3. Both admins and members may participate.
  4. Collabs are allowed;
  5. Entries must be at least one colored full body (at least 75% of the character showing) or 500 words long;
  6. Entries should be unique for this;
  7. Submit all entries to the site.
event activities


To learn more about the holiday, check out this lore page

To participate check out this prompt! This event will run from March 1st to March 31st. Have you already done everything on the island? Pick up your Werewolf Lover Pin here!


Happy holiday and a good howling week!

Hiatus End + Raffle

Posted 1 February 2023, 00:00:00 PST by andie

And we are BACK! Hello, my darlings, after much consideration and work, we are once again an active group, with many things yet to come! We are very sorry for the hiatus time, however my life has been very busy since last year and I had a hard time reconciling real life and fanteles, so this time was needed to create a buffer for this year!

We are also re-introducing the Human(ish) Companions! They are human-like characters that may accompany your fanteles or fainaras (now also called Alanamultiverse species), now they will have a masterlist sublist for them, and you will receive fairy coins for including them in your art and writing submissions! To read more about them, check out this wiki page.

And more exciting news! The Multitudes Orphanage is now open! You can surrender your unwanted characters here and receive fairy coins for it, as well as adopt other people's characters using fairy coins.

To celebrate and to thank you for your patience, we will host a raffle from now up to March 1st, of the following characters: FR-026, F-096, F-095, F-091, FR-008, F-097.


That is: 1 blossom, 3 illegal fanteles, 1 mixed fungi fainara and 1 common fainara.


Everyone can enter with One Ticket, receiving one additional ticket for sharing this raffle in a different platform (up to +2 tickets), and an extra ticket if you’re a FTO and state so in your claim! For a total of 4 tickets! To participate, please submit a claim with the raffle tickets you wish to claim!

In a couple months we will start with our first event of the year: the Purple Moon Week! We will bring to you some more lore, two whole pins and some sweet items! Have a nice day and see you in soon!

Fanteles Mini Hiatus and Magic Bonus!

Posted 11 July 2022, 09:17:55 PDT by Provie

Hi everyone, after the conclusion of our Festival of Life Event, we are announcing that Fanteles will be taking a mini-hiatus for new content for the time being. Staff needs some time to take a break and recharge, and we will announce once our litte hiatus is over and we are working on some new stuff.

In the meantime, things will be running mainly normally, gallery entries, prompts, MYOs, etc will still be processed as normal (though may have a longer delay than usual), but there will be no new events or new activities. Any of our always going on activities, such as Challenges, Quests, and Magic Learning will be ongoing, so this is a great time to work on some of those if you have been meaning to!

For the duration of our mini hiatus, there will be special bonus for Magic Learning!
For the First Magic Learning prompt completed during this time, members will recieve +3 Fairy Coins
For the Second Magic Learning prompt completed during this time, members will recieve +5 Fairy Coins
For the Third or More Magic Learning prompt completed during this time, members will recieve +7 Fairy Coins

We hope you all enjoy this special bonus! We will make sure we make an announcement before the bonus ends so everyone has a chance to get any last minute prompts in! Thank you so much to everyone for your support!

[Event] - Festival of Life

Posted 25 April 2022, 16:38:39 PDT by Provie
Conclusion 7/11: Thanks to everyone for participating in the Festival of Life Event! The Raffle has been rolled, and the winners are: duskinova oboe and wanderandfriend! Results can also be seen here! Raffle winners will be contacted about their prizes shortly! The Event Shop will remain open until the end of the Month, so make sure to spend your Event Coins before then!
Update 6/30: We made an error and forgot to extend the Scavenger hunt, so for fairness, we have extended the event for one week! Both the hunt and the prompts have been extended! Enjoy the extra time!
Update 6/13: The event has been extended until June 30th! Details on the Raffle have also been added below!


Getting through the winter is always something to celebrate, and on Alana Fanteles always get excited with the coming of spring and the warmer weather (well, maybe not all fanteles, mammoth fanteles might prefer the winter...). During this time of year, Fanteles across the continent celebrate new life, both in the form of spring flowers, and life of their own...

Event rules
  1. Only registered members of Fanteles may participate in this event, and all members agree to follow our terms of service upon registration.
  2. Members don't need to own a Fantele to participate, you may participate using Fainara characters, or by drawing one of our NPCs or another member's Fantele/Fainara (with permission!)
  3. All art/writing prompt submissions must be submitted to the Festival of Life 2022 Gallery Folder and to the Festival of Life Prompt
  4. For the prompts, the minimum for art is a colored bust and for writing the minimum is 300 words
    1. Collaborations are allowed, but reminder that each collaborator must submit to the prompt in order to receive their rewards
  5. The Festival of Life Event will run until June 30th at Midnight site time
event activities

Scavenger Hunt - Spring is in the air, and as part of the Festival of Life some fun spring items have been hidden around our site! There are six fun new items to collect, hidden around the site, simply click them to claim! Some things to note:

  • Hidden items can be found throughout the site, but will not be hidden on character masterlist entries, on member profiles, or on gallery entries!
  • Do not share the locations or links to any of the items with others, or give hints to others. This is considered cheating, anyone found doing so will receive a warning
  • Please be respectful of other people's experiences when discussing the scavenger hunt, including discussing how "hard" or "easy" a location may be, since everyone will have a different experience!
  • Members will get 10 event points per item found, these points can be obtained via Claims, simply submit a claim stating how many you found and staff will verify on the back end
  • There will be a special bonus for those who find all six items,  a raffle ticket for our Festival of Life Raffle!

Here are the items you are hunting for:



Happy Hunting! (check your hunt progress HERE!)

Prompts - To celebrate the Festival of Life, there are a few art prompts that members can complete to join the fun! Each prompt will award event points at the same rate as Fairy Coins. The prompts are as follows:

  • Depict your fantele/fainara searching for the perfect flower to infuse with magic for the festival
  • Depict your fantele/fainara making a flower crown or other flower craft for the festival

Festival of Life Raffle - We have a special raffle to celebrate the Festival of Life (and the Anniversary of Fanteles as well!), we will be raffling off THREE choice of Blossom Breedings OR Blossom Customs (more info on Blossoms can be found here!), and members may earn tickets by:

  • All members receive 1 ticket for free, which can be claimed via claims
  • Members may earn  up to 3 tickets for advertising the event via social media (1 ticket per social media type), these tickets can all be claimed via claims
  • Members can earn 1 ticket for finding all the Scavenger Hunt items, which can be claimed via claims (just state you have found all 6 items and staff will verify on the back end)
  • Members can earn 1 ticket for completing their first art prompt for the event, which will be awarded when submitting a prompt

Click here to view the Scavenger Hunt Page

Click here to view the Prompt

Click here to view the Event Gallery

Click here for the Event Shop


If you have any questions, please comment on this news post or post in #ask-admins in our Discord Server!

Happy 2022!

Posted 2 January 2022, 14:35:00 PST by andie

HAPPY 2022!


To kick off the year in a good note, we are raffling 3 fainaras, all of special rarity and spored!  This was a collab between andie and Inkcess. So we present to you those 3 amazing fainaras: Toadstool Rubber Ducky, Moss Mouse Plush and Cup of Shrooms!

You have 5 whole ways to get tickets, as follow:

  1. Say something you have accomplished this past year! It's always important to look back and see how far we have gone!
  2. Say something you're hopeful for 2022. Do you have any goals you intend to meet? Or perhaps something cool you're hoping to happen?
  3. Say something nice/compliment any user from fanteles! You, users, make this site possible and this group as wonderful as it is! So let's celebrate this important piece: the users!
  4. Say something nice about the group, something you enjoy, or something you're hoping to happen group-wise this next year! We want to hear your feedback and make this year better for everyone!
  5. Be a Fainara FTO! If you have no fainaras (you can have fanteles, no problem!), you get an extra ticket!


Just comment on this news to claim tickets! Please remember to state in your comment to which fainara you want your tickets to go for!  You can mix-and-match the tickets or dunk everything in one raffle, just let us know.

Feel free to comment as many times as necessary, but please avoid editing your comments!


We will also have extra prizes, rolled from the whole tickets pool, for total of tickets accomplished. As follow:

10 total tickets - Common Fainara MYO

<a href=

20 total tickets - Rare Fainara MYO


40 total tickets - Spore Potion


DEADLINE will be January 15th, midnight site time!
Happy New Year and an amazing 2022 from the whole staff to you!